As Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed-Powys Police (PCC) I have finalised a Police & Crime Plan that set my priorities until 2025.
This will be complimented by a delivery plan that will set out how my priorities will be met and the measures that will be put in place to ensure our progress is tracked and available for public scrutiny.
The delivery plan will include the National Crime and Policing Measures that have been set by the Home Office, which focus on the following areas: -
- Reducing murder and other homicides
- Reducing serious violence
- Disrupting drugs supply and county line
- Reducing neighbourhood crime, including burglary, robbery and theft offences
- Improving satisfaction of victims, particularly focusing on domestic abuse victims
- Tacking cyber crime
Here’s how the Force is contributing to the national measures:
- September 2021 - August 2022
- October 2021 - September 2022
- January 2022 - December 2022
- May 2022 - April 2023
- October 2022 - September 2023
- January 2022 - December 2023
Read how His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services have graded Dyfed-Powys Police’s performance here
Policing Accountability Board (PAB)
The Policing Accountability Board (PAB) focuses on delivery of service against my priorities outlined in the Police and Crime Plan.
PAB meets on a quarterly basis and is a public meeting, notice of which will be posted on my website a minimum of two weeks before the meeting date.
The board considers the themes addressed in the Policing Boards held during the course of the quarter, and any work undertaken in support of the issues raised.
PAB will also receive a performance report in relation to the delivery of service against my priorities outlined in the Police and Crime Plan.
You can find the key documents here.
The Next Policing Accountability Board is to be held: 25th June 2024
If you have questions about meetings including whether you are able to attend, please contact the Commissioner office through emailing
Tuesday 10 December 2024
Tuesday 24 September 2024
Tuesday 25 June 2024
- Wednesday 28 February 2024
- Tuesday 18 October 2016
Tuesday 15 March 2016
Including: Preventing and tackling crime & bringing people to justice
Wednesday 16 December 2015
Including: Hate crime training, honour based violence
Wednesday 18 November 2015
Including: Special Constabulary, Business Crime Survey, 999 and 101 call handling data, domestic abuse
Thursday 15 October 2015
Including: road traffic data, Integrated Offender Management, Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), warrant categories, Police Led Prosecutions, motoring educational courses, Out of Court Disposal Panel, Victims’ Hub, Restorative Justice data, fraud, firearms, staff and officer numbers, Forensic Medical Science contract, performance data analysis
Thursday 17 September 2015
Including: Integrated Offender Management (IOM), online crime reporting, community resolutions, Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), Activity Based Costings, fraud, Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR), sexting, Police Information Notices (PINs), Innovation Fund, Armed Response Vehicles (ARV)
Wednesday 19 August 2015
Including: Professional standards, dissatisfaction, Independent Custody Visitors, domestic abuse, misconduct, Behave or Be Banned
Monday 13 July 2015
Including: Revenue savings, Street to Suite, sexual offences, Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE), case progression, call handling
Friday 19 June 2015
Including: Bail times, traffic offences, community resolutions, Integrated Offender Management (IOM), domestic abuse, public order, mobile digital policing, Public First, CCTV, Prosecution Team Performance Management (PTPM), Transforming Summary Justice (TSJ)
Friday 15 May 2015
Including: Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE), Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC), domestic abuse, Appropriate Adults in custody, criminal damage
Monday 13 April 2015
Including: Victim satisfaction, Special constabulary, Rural policing, IT, Multi agency safeguarding hub (MASH), Complaint handling, Estate.
Friday 20 March 2015
Including: Crime, youth justice, driver training, roads policing, alcohol liaison, Commissioner’s Fund, crime figures
Monday 23 February 2015
Including: Professionalism, community profiling, demand analysis, crime levels, crime recording, drink driving, stop and search, computer crime, use of digital technology, Public Service Bureau, sickness absence, occupational health, civil claims.
Friday 12 December 2014
Including: Vulnerable people, Local Profile, complaints handling, spending: police staff and officers, rural rape crisis centres, Barnardo’s, community remedy, community speedwatch, innovation fund, CCTV, IT.
Friday 14 November 2014
Including: Access to policing, performance monitoring, hate crime, Operation Celtic, emergency charging, victim satisfaction, estate strategy, Rate Your Local Police, Rural Policing Strategy, Special Constables, HMIC
Friday 17 October 2014
Including: Justice, sexual health data, domestic abuse and domestic crime, ASB (antisocial behaviour), restorative justice, victim service, CPS (Crime Prosecution Service) decisions, IOM (integrated offender management), digital policing, LCJB (Local Criminal Justice Board) inspection, community remedy, community trigger.
Friday 12 September 2014
Including: Crime, cyber-crime, local resilience, civil contingencies, community speedwatch, MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub), public confidence data, offender testing, Special Constables, prison releases, drug intervention, ASB (antisocial behaviour), youth offending, community trigger.
Friday 15 August 2014
Including: Professionalism, PCSO powers, sexual offences, sexual health data, violence against the person,community speedwatch, bail performance management, call handling, police vehicles used as ambulances, out of court disposals, HMIC, ANPR (automatic number plate recognition), MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub), Royal Humane Society
Friday 11 July 2014
Including: Spending, digital policing, Action Fraud, sexual offences, reoffending, call handling, accounts, overtime, police force collaboration, ASB (antisocial behaviour), PCSO powers, HMIC, local resolution.
Friday 13 June 2014
Including: Vulnerable people, violence against the person, reoffending, probation service, knife crime caution policy, domestic abuse, risk assessments, ASB (antisocial behaviour), call and response handling, sickness action plan, victim services, Bobby Van, HMIC, domestic abuse, child protection, MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub), Operation Baltic, violence against women, sexual violence
Friday 16 May 2014
Including: Access to policing, call handling, pop-up tents, 101, Special Constables, Rural Policing Strategy, Neighbourhood Management, digital policing, Equalities, Welsh Language, NPAS (National Police Air Service), Community Remedy, ARVs (armed response vehicles)
Friday 11 April 2014
Including: Justice, IOM (Integrated Offender Management), file quality, community remedy, restorative justice, custody, ASB (antisocial behaviour), community trigger, speed cameras.
Thursday 13 March 2014
Including: Vulnerable people, hate crime, child protection, child safeguarding, sex offender management, domestic abuse, victim services, mental health triage, drug intervention programme, mediation, data quality.
Monday 03 February 2014
Including: Professionalism, staff conduct, employment tribunals, HMIC, custody, young people, Operation Mistletoe, volunteer schemes, rape reporting, rape
Tuesday 17 December 2013
Including: Crime, police force collaboration, user satisfaction survey, IT, ASB (antisocial behaviour), custody, digital interviewing, HMIC, domestic abuse, MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub), incentivisation fund
Monday 11 November 2013
Including: Access to policing, equalities, Welsh language, engagement, consultation, web-design, Victim Support, digital policing, app, recruitment, neighbourhood policing, Special Constables, rural policing.
- Sunday 20 March 2011