OPCC 04-2023
Office running cots, PCC claimed expenses, Staff in FTE
OPCC 39-2022
OPCC 11-2020
Enquiry regarding the names and contact details of the office Senior Information Risk Owner and the Data Protection Officer
OPCC 02-2020
Various Office enquiries, including written responses, Training and Data Security.
OPCC 22-2019
Query as to the Police and Crime Commissioners affiliation with various Groups and Organisations
OPCC 73-2017
A request for information on the number of subject access requests received and the number rejected.
OPCC 40-16
Software: A request for information on software and software licences
OPCC 8-16
FOI and Asset Management Software: A request for information about software used to manage FOIs and Organisation assets.
OPCC 147-15
IT disposal: Information about Dyfed-Powys Police’s IT disposal provision.
OPCC 139-15
Vexatious FOIs: Information about FOI requests considered vexatious.